- Non Surgical
We all have always tried dieting and exercising to remove stubborn fats of our abdomen.

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1 year ago
Tummy Tuck
We all have always tried dieting and exercising to remove stubborn fats of our abdomen.
But the question is Did We Experience Any Result
Apart from various health issues, abdominal obesity or central obesity leads to a negative body image. A positive body image boosts up our confidence, and thus impacts our psyche.
For most of us, removing fat from the stomach area can be a frustrating and fruitless endeavour that leads us to seek out other options.
To get rid of tummy fat we have on a broader scale two options: Surgical Tummy Tuck and another is the Non-Surgical Option.
Today we will emphasise on How To Reduce Belly Fat but in a NonSurgical Way
Spot Reduction Exercises
Spot reduction refers to the claim that fat can be targeted for reduction from a specific area of the body through exercise of specific muscles in the desired area, such as exercising the abdominal muscles in an effort to lose weight in or around one's midsection. A common belief is that doing crunches alone reduces belly fat. The scientific consensus among fitness experts and researchers is that spot reduction is a myth. Studies largely show that it is not possible to reduce fat in one area by exercising that body part alone. Instead, fat is lost from the entire body as a result of diet and regular exercise. Muscle growth in the abdominal region does not reduce fat in that region. Instead, being on a caloric deficit is recommended for reducing abdominal fat. (Reference: Wikipedia)
Weight Loss Diets
The question is how to lose weight only from the belly area and I feel this will require more comprehensive approach, than just following a random diet plan.
Tummy Tuck
Different types of massage techniques or a combination of massages help to reduce fat in problem areas.
Here the benefits will be:
a) Breaking of cellulite.
b) Help in toning and firming of targeted areas.
c) Reducing of fat deposits and firming up of areas like tummy, hips, arms, breasts.
d) Preventing new fat deposit.
U Lipo
Ultrasonic Lipolysis (U-Lipo) is an innovative, gentle and one of the safest non-surgical procedures to get rid of unwanted fat. It helps remove the accumulation of fat deposits in specific areas of the body like around the waist, inner thigh, abdomen, under the upper arms.
This method removes unwanted fatty deposits and changes the shape of our bodies and faces without diet, exercise, injections, medicine, heat, cuts, redness, surgery, or anaesthesia.
In this treatment, high-intensity Ultrasonic waves target the area 1.5 cm below the skin causing rupture of the fat cells.
The process targets the fat cells without affecting other organs and thus, there are no side effects to this treatment.
Almost 80% of the patients experience an immediate reduction in fat.
The method also helps to enhance the effects of dieting and exercise. You will lose inches in less time and look slimmer.